OGR – Turin

The majestic late 19th-century industrial complex in the heart of Turin was the protagonist of the city’s growth for about a century. Following the closure, which took place in the early 1990s, demolition was expected, then 100,000,000 euros were invested by the CRT Foundation for the rebirth of OGR Turin, the “cathedral” of Turin’s industrial history. The new face is then presented to the citizens, an incubator of art, technology and music which, from a former workshop set up to repair trains, aims to become a culture workshop, the beating heart of Turin’s creativity.

Solutions with high technological content, environmental sustainability, preservation of historical value, flexibility of spaces, accessibility, these are the inspiring principles of the great renovation and recovery of the OGRs: from former train repair workshops to new contemporary culture workshops, of innovation and business acceleration with an international vocation. The last intervention that completes the reuse and redevelopment of the area is that relating to the recovery of the historic building in via Borsellino which will be used for the headquarters of the administrative and managerial offices of the entire real estate compendium.


Zumaglini & Gallina

Design date:



In fase di realizzazione


180000 mc